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7 Ways to Reduce Your Business’ Auto Claims

7 ways to help reduce outfitter and guide auto claims

Did you know that vehicular crashes are the leading cause of work-related deaths? In addition to a potential fatality, automobile accidents expose your business to liability risks, legal expenses, decreased productivity, increased insurance premiums and elevated workers’ compensation rates. Regardless if your business leases for single usage or owns a fleet of commercial vehicles, adhering to the following guidance could help you reduce auto claims.

1. Establish Driver Qualifications

Your business can greatly reduce the risk of auto accidents by implementing driver standards. All employees should have their motor vehicle records (MVRs) reviewed annually. These documents contain important historical driving information on an individual’s moving violations, driving-under-the-influence (DUI) offenses, vehicular crimes and other types of point accumulations. Your risk management professional can help create appropriate standards, including:

Serious Driving Violations — Within the previous three years, your employees should not have any:

  • Recorded DUIs
  • Charged hit-and-runs
  • Incidents of reckless or negligent driving
  • Points for operating a vehicle with a suspended license
  • Tickets for driving 15 mph+ over the speed limit


Moving Violations — Require driving employees to have fewer than three incidents of speeding, improper changing of lanes, running red lights or failure to yield violations in the past three years.
At-Fault Accidents — Designate that all of your drivers have no more than one at-fault accident in the past three years.

2. Mandate Seat Belt Usage

Averaging $72,500 per injury claim, motor vehicle-related injuries are twice as costly as other work-related injuries. Simply wearing a seat belt can reduce the risk of injury or death by 50%.

3. Minimize Driver Distractions

Recent studies suggest crash risks are two to six times higher when a driver is texting or manipulating a cell phone. Eating, drinking, adjusting the radio, talking to vehicle passengers and checking the GPS also cause significant distractions.

4. Employ Innovative Technology

The use of modern telematics allows businesses to analyze fleet data, make informed decisions and increase productivity while cutting costs. As an employer, you should consider utilizing technology such as:

Telematics — In-vehicle telematics allow fleet managers to monitor their drivers for risky behaviors in real-time. Observed behaviors include speeding, hard braking, hitting the gas aggressively and not wearing a seatbelt. This allows for corrective actions and training before a serious accident occurs.
Smart Sensors — These devices can measure changes in light, temperature and pressure. Smart sensors provide alerts to mechanical problems with brakes, electrical systems, tire pressure and more.
Dash Cams — Dashboard cameras, often referred to as dash cams, can be used to monitor drivers, promote safe driving practices and reduce liability if an accident occurs. Review your state’s privacy laws related to videotaping drivers and the public before installing dash cams.

5. Theft Prevention

The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) recently released its annual “Hot Wheels” report, which highlights the most stolen vehicles in the United States — many of which are standard in company and rental fleets. Motor vehicle theft not only causes costly business delays but could be dangerous or even fatal if an employee is in the car during the attempted theft. Theft prevention is the best way to avoid dangerous situations or expensive delays. Prevention methods include:

Sound Judgement — Keep doors locked and windows shut and park in secure, high-traffic areas.
Install Deterrent & Warning Devices — Steering wheel locks, gearshift column locks, alarm systems, VIN etching and microdot technology make theft more difficult.
Invest in Immobilization Devices — Kill switches, ignition disablers and smart keys can disable the flow of electricity or fuel when activated.

6. Train Drivers

Drivers are your primary source of liability behind the wheel. Fleet leaders will not only build trust but also reduce the number of accidents by conducting regular driver training on topics, including:

Intoxicants — The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that 28 people die in drunk-driving crashes every day. Drinking alcohol impairs a driver’s reaction time, steering responsiveness and lane control. Educate your drivers on the dangers of driving while intoxicated and monitor their driving for signs of intoxication.

Defensive Driving — Six deadly defensive driving behaviors have been identified as fatal choices behind the wheel. A recent survey indicated that 80% of drivers have performed these behaviors, including:

  • Speeding, aggression, road rage
  • Violating the right of way, blocking cars from passing or changing lanes
  • Distracted driving
  • Improper turning
  • Driving left of center
  • Following too closely


Drowsy Driving — NHTSA census estimated nearly 700 deaths in 2019 were directly attributed toward drowsy-driving-related crashes. These crashes occur most frequently between midnight and 6 a.m. and often involve a single driver with no passengers. To avoid drowsy driving:

  • Get a proper night’s sleep.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol before driving.
  • Check prescription or over-the-counter drugs to see if they could cause drowsiness.
  • Pull over for a 20-minute nap if you feel drowsy.


Seasonal Hazards — Each changing season is accompanied by driving hazards. Drivers unaccustomed to particular weather patterns may need additional training. For example, a driver unfamiliar with cooler climates may lack experience or knowledge of safely driving on ice. Drivers should be mindful and weather aware for each season.

  • Summer — The number of walkers and cyclists increases as the weather becomes warmer. Be on the lookout for pedestrians and cyclists everywhere, especially in low-visibility conditions.
  • Fall — As students return back to school, this means more children roadside and increased traffic during drop-off and pickup times. Never pass a stopped school bus with red flashing lights. Fall also means a return of deer season. Drivers can avoid collisions with deer by staying alert and using high beams.
  • Winter — Colder temperatures mean potential for snow and ice on the ground. Remind drivers to drive slowly, accelerate/decelerate slowly and increase the distance between vehicles. Check the tire pressure, engine oil and antifreeze levels prior to vehicles hitting the road. Prior to the season starting, have a mechanic inspect your fleet to make sure they can withstand wear and tear during the harsh season.
  • Spring — Frozen ground, melting snow and heavy rains make the right conditions for flooding. When approaching a flooded road, turn around and find a safe route. Spring also means a return to roadwork construction, especially on potholes. Stay focused and patient when driving in work zones. Be mindful of the reduced speed limit and remain alert.


7. Report an Accident

While avoiding an accident is obviously ideal, there are times when they’re unavoidable. If an accident does occur, a great deal can be done to contain costs and minimize business interruption losses. Your business can help minimize costs by providing detailed reporting and proper procedures.

Drive with Confidence

Your business can actively manage auto risks by setting driver qualifications, creating driving rules and implementing driver training. Our team at CBIZ Adventure Sports can help you to mitigate the risk associated with business vehicle ownership and driver safety. 

We offer commercial auto coverage that is designed to fit your needs and help you protect your business and the vehicle or fleet of vehicles you use to run your business efficiently.  Request a free quote today.

This blog may contain scenarios that are provided as examples only. In an actual claim situation, coverage is subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions of the policy issued. The information provided is general in nature and may be affected by changes in law or the interpretation of such laws. The reader is advised to contact a professional prior to taking any action based upon this information.

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