Ward, Hayden / Tuesday, April 26, 2022 / Categories: BLOG Articles A Quick Guide about Employee Benefits for Outfitter Businesses Offering employee benefits can be extremely beneficial to your adventure sports business. Though they may sound complicated or even expensive, they have the ability to improve several areas within your business such as hiring and retaining employees. The process of selecting, implementing and administering a benefits program can take time, however, once you get it right, it can actually help you in more ways than one. Breaking It Down Benefits commonly include health insurance, recruiting and retention programs, and workplace perks. There are essentially two categories of employee benefits: required and optional. Required Benefits: Unemployment Tax, Workers’ Compensation, Required Leave and FMLA. Optional Benefits: Health Insurance, Dental & Vision Insurance, Life, Disability & Supplemental Insurance, Paid Time Off & Holidays, and Fringe Benefits. The Benefit of Offering Benefits Benefits packages offer value to your employees and help you boost productivity and retention in a cost-effective manner. Here are a few of the advantages of offering employee benefits as part of your compensation package. 1. Talent Attraction and Retention Employees highly value a good benefits package. Developing a strategic benefits package that targets specific types of employees can help attract the right job candidates to keep your outfitter business running at peak efficiency. Once you have these top-performing employees, providing a tailored employee benefits package will serve as a barrier to them leaving— a great benefits package can be a huge advantage when looking at retention strategies because it holds more than just monetary value for the employee. A bigger salary at another outfitter operation likely won’t be as strong a pull for an employee tempted to leave if the other company’s benefits package isn’t as attractive as yours. 2. Healthy, Productive Employees When your benefits package includes a combination of health insurance and dental and vision coverage, you will have employees who are able to take a proactive role in managing their health. They will have easy, affordable access to health care, reducing absenteeism due to illness. When they are on the job, healthy employees are more productive than sick ones. It’s beneficial for your business’s productivity and your employees when they have access to medical coverage and time off when they are sick. 3. Satisfaction A good benefits package leads to satisfied employees with higher morale. Employees who find value in their benefits are typically more willing to commit more because it helps make them feel valued—which leads to increased productivity and decreased absenteeism. 4. Efficient Use of Resources Offering valuable benefits can help lower employees’ expectations for salary. Many employees are willing to accept good benefits in lieu of a slightly higher salary. This is an advantage to your budget because the value you present to employees with benefits, especially health insurance plans, can be monetarily equal to a raise in salary for them while costing you less due to group rates and lower payroll taxes. As a business owner, you can avoid the hidden cost of paying extra payroll taxes on higher salaries by instead offering benefits to provide similar value to employees. Good Health Leads to Less Stress Simply put, protecting employees properly is crucial to the economy, our communities, fellow workers and families. Those expenditures for on-the-job injuries and illnesses come straight out of your company’s profit. Offering benefits can certainly save you money, relieve stress and protect your bottom line. CBIZ Employee Benefits Your employees are an investment, and as with any investment, it is in your best interest to protect them. Focusing on safety and health will benefit your business in the short term as well as help you avoid possible losses in the future. The passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) opened up new and affordable options for small businesses wanting to provide health benefits to their employees. Our Employee Benefits for Small Businesses Quick Guide provides in-depth insight on all things regarding benefits. For more information about benefits for your small business, connect with a CBIZ Employee Benefits consultant. To learn more about protecting your business with comprehensive insurance coverage, click here to receive a free quote from CBIZ Adventure Sports Insurance! This blog may contain scenarios that are provided as examples only. Coverage is subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions of the policy issued. The information provided is general in nature and may be affected by changes in law or the interpretation of such laws. The reader is advised to contact a professional prior to taking any action based upon this information. Key Person Insurance for Outfitters and Guides Working in the Heat? Stay Safe with These Tips Print 9598 Rate this article: No rating Tags: Adventure Sports InsuranceBusiness PlanningFinancial PlanningFinancesContingency PlanSafetyLoss of Incomeemployment practicesKey Person InsuranceEmployee Benefits Leave a comment Name: Please enter a name. Email: Please enter an email address. Please enter a valid email address. Comment: Please enter comment. Add comment